Wednesday 29 September 2010

Fashion show at GPO

A few weeks ago I went to see a fashion show at GPO, which was great fun. The show itself was a bit short, but the cocktails were great and my friend even won the draw they had on. She's not complaining with a $700 Wayne Cooper voucher...

I took some photos that night too.

Magic is in the mix @ GPO

Magic is in the mix @ GPO

Magic is in the mix @ GPO

Find more photos on flickr

Monday 20 September 2010

Royal Melbourne Show

On Saturday I went to my first ever Royal Melbourne Show and had a great time (apart from the rain). I just loved the horses! It made me miss my childhood, when I used to spend lots of time on a family friend's farm looking after the horses, calves and lambs. Definitely great memories!

Royal Melbourne Show

Royal Melbourne Show

Royal Melbourne Show

Tuesday 14 September 2010

New Blog!

I know I have been neglecting this blog a bit but that's mainly because I have had little to show, not because I don't want to talk.

For that reason I've started a new blog. Fashion et al is a blog that covers Fashion et al (and others).

Felix & Mabel, the first to be featured on Fashion et al

The new blog will bring you lots of fashion news, but not just the big names. We aim to showcase indie designers, established labels, big business, accessories designers and quirky little retail shops.

There are so many fashion and design blogs out there, but I haven't found THE ONE that I absolutely love in terms of fashion and accessories. I thought, why not start one myself? Because I want everyone to love what's featured on the blog, I would love your feedback, suggestions, ideas etc.

In the meantime, I hope you'll enjoy Fashion et al.

Monday 13 September 2010

Healesville Sanctuary

Thank you for the lovely comments!

I haven't really had the chance to use my new creative suite because I work fulltime and weekends have been taken up by trips to the snow, the beach or the zoo. (Tough life.. I know)

But I'm loving my camera at the moment! The perfect way to be creative if you ask me. I took these pictures on Saturday, at Healesville Sanctuary.




You will find more photos in my flickr

Wednesday 8 September 2010



I know it has been aaaages and I'm sorry :( I just haven't had anything too exciting to talk about. Certainly nothing crafty, unless I name the numerous cooking and baking adventures I've had, or trips to the snow, or weekends away.

I'm pretty excited now though. I just bought my first DSLR camera and am totally in love with it. It's a canon eos 550d with 18-135mm lens and it's just perfect!
I've been snapping away after work (which is going great by the way, I love my job in marketing at one of Melbourne's universities) and have finally started using my flickr pro account again.

Hopefully I won't disappear for 6 months again, since I now have something to show :)

I have also installed Adobe CS5, so I'm hoping to get back into designing a bit more. It seems easier to find my creative mojo when it's not a must.

1. car, 2. nature, 3. sky, 4. station, 5. arrow, 6. flower, 7. laneway posters, 8. red, 9. house